you see this in terminal cd (null); clear; pwd -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `null’ script is no longer picking up the currently focused window
you see this in terminal cd (null); clear; pwd -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `null’ script is no longer picking up the currently focused window
Nope. Same cd (null) error as michael2343.
I cannot thank the person who created this enough! It is absolutely perfect for my needs.
I’ve been using Go2Shell for years. And it is no more working on my system since upgrading to El Capitan 10.11 Beta (15A279b). Attempt to re-install is unavailing.
It’s an incredibly simply tool that I use every day. Multiple times a day. Many multiple times every hour. But please redo the icon to better match current design in OS X, make the icon height match the other standard icons in the toolbar, and make the icon fade when the window is inactive like all the other toolbar icons, including my other 3rd party icons. Redo the icon, and I’ll give 5 stars.